Der wixxer kinobesucher
Der wixxer kinobesucher

  • Meaningful Name/ Stealth Pun: Ubiquitous.
  • note Because they ate at the Titanic Tearoom. That Pinocchio ice cream really is only the tip of the ice berg.
  • Low-Speed Chase: The stair lift chase in Neues vom Wixxer.
  • Legacy Character: You could consider the Wixxer to be one: Within two movies, 4 different people have been under this mask.
  • Left the Background Music On: The Scare Chord when they find the Wixxer's logo on the truck was just the police's marching band that was on the scene.
  • Lawyer-Friendly Cameo: Although being a human in a costume instead of a puppet (just like the homonymous Edgar Wallace character he is a parody of), the Frog with the Mask looks like Kermit, has the same voice actor as Kermit, and at one point even says: "Applause!".
  • In the second movie, Even's brother Much Longer wears a mask that looks exactly like his own face, just with a moustache. In the first movie, the Wixxer wears the face of a well-known talk- and quiz-show host over his bulky expressionless skull mask.
  • Latex Perfection: Spoofed several times.
  • Very Long: Why did you run in slow motion, Sir?
  • And in another scene, Longer exclaims that he has a gigantic thing in his trousers! He means the poisonous snake someone has smuggled into his clothes.
  • Pennymarket tells Chief Inspector Longer about how pugs ("Möpse") are bred at Blackwhite Castle ("Möpse" is also slang for "boobs".) In "Neues vom Wixxer" Even Longer chases Chucky Norris and comes to signpost that points in two directions.
  • Incredibly Lame Pun: So bad, it's funny.
  • and even manages to break his opponent's sword with said ruler.


  • Improbable Weapon User: Inspector Very Long uses a yoyo to attack the Wixxer at the end of the first movie (Well, he is the champion of a yoyo-derby!), and turns a blackboard-sized ruler and set square into a makeshift set of sword and shield, in the second movie.
  • I Have Many Names: Harry Smearlap, otherwise known as Laus Linski (an allusion to Klaus Kinski), Fritz Carraldo or Horst Feratu (an allusion to Nosferatu).
  • Aside of sexual allusions they also play with a German grocery store chain, hairstyles and whatnotever.
  • Hurricane of Puns: ANY name of any person or location.
  • In the sequel, Eddie the Informant is killed short of revealing Wixxer's whereabouts and Chucky Norris is accidentally hit on the head and drowns before revealing Wixxer's identity.
  • His Name Is.: Played for Laughs with the Earl of Cockwood offering to reveal the Wixxer's identity, only to proclaim with his last breath that he hasn't time for that anymore.
  • Herr Doktor: By the time of the second movie, Hatler got a medical degree and now runs an insane asylum in Britain.
  • Gun Twirling: Parodied - whenever someone tries it, they end up dropping their weapon.
  • Good-Times Montage: Parodied in the first movie when Even Longer remembers his time with Rather Short.
  • Fun with Acronyms: The villainous organisation from the first movie known as the National SYndicate of Notorious Criminals.
  • Fake Kill Scare: Rather Short fakes himself being blown up!.
  • Face–Heel Turn: After killing the original Wixxer, Longer's old partner Rather Short decides to abandon his dull life as policeman in order to become the new Wixxer.
  • Every Car Is a Pinto: Bicycles and stair lifts can also be Pintos!.
  • Driving a Desk: Combined with Stylistic Suck.
  • The latter is even a literal example within the story: The nuns living there don't like colours, therefore they have a switch for turning the colours on and off!
  • Deliberately Monochrome: Blackwhite Castle and St.
  • It is foiled by the protagonists via Wire Dilemma.
  • Decapitation Strike: It turns out it was Victoria Dickham's plan all along to blow up the entire British royal family during a wedding to catapult herself onto the throne.
  • Very Long: Don't you realize you stuck your heart into a fridge of your own feelings?!
  • Comically Missing the Point: Particularly Very Long and Sir John are prone to that.
  • Vokuhila and the can of tomato soup worn by Scotland Yard policemen.
  • Chekhov's Gun: In the first movie, Very Long's yo-yo skills.
  • The Butler Did It: No, even though he looks like Hitler.
  • Buddy Cop Show: With Even Longer as the Straight Man and Very Long as the Plucky Comic Relief.
  • This is lampshaded when Blackwhite Castle is described as "Not in London, but in England." Vokuhila are clearly not in the inner city.
  • Britain is Only London: Averted: Although many scenes take place in London ( Scotland Yard being there and all), Blackwhite Castle and St.
  • For example, when Ms Drycunt says to the detectives, " It's a Long Story", Very Long points out that the viewers don't have that much time.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: Occasionally.
  • Bigger on the Inside: In the first movie, a tiny shack in the middle of a concrete field holds the enormous conference hall owned by the National Syndicate of Notorious Criminals.

  • Der wixxer kinobesucher